Currently working on our garden and digging a lot to get some things done. We have built a fence so that our dogs don't get in:) Also we have been building wooden boxes to plant in them.
Also two weeks ago I went on a hike to Wyclifee Regional Park. It was my very first time there and I had so much fun. Its located near the St. Mary River and the landscape is beautiful. My host mom also told me that the geological landforms throughout the area are part of the Ktunaxa Creation story.
During this last two weeks I've been going to the Ashram Farm. We normally go twice a week and help out there mostly digging and planting, but we do more things casually. It's a really hard activity as the ground is still frozen but I personally enjoy it a lot. Today we dug and planted wheat for about three hours, and then we sold bread at the cheese store.